Staf pengajar di Departemen Biostatistik, Epidemiologi dan Kesehatan Populasi (BEKP) di Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKKMK UGM). Sebagai peneliti, saya juga berafiliasi ke Pusat Kedokteran Tropis dan Pusat Kebijakan dan Manajemen Kesehatan (PKMK), FKKMK UGM. Meminati bibliometrik, social network analysis, spatial epidemiology dan sistem informasi kesehatan.
e-mail : anisfuad[at]ugm[dot]ac[dot]id atau anis[dot]fuad[at]gmail[dot]com
X : @4n15fuad
- Master in Medical Informatics and Communication Technology. Faculté de Médecine Broussais Hôtel-Dieu,Université Paris VI. (2002).
- Sarjana Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Gadjah Mada. (1998).
- Dosen (Kemenristekdikti)
- COBIT 5: Foundation and Implementation
- Konsultan Manajemen Kesehatan (Ikessindo)
Penelitian dan Konsultansi
- PI. Pengembangan Metadata SatuSehat (WHO Indonesia). 2024-2025
- PI. Pengembangan dashboard ASPAK KJSU dan non KJSU (PATH). 2024-2025
- PI. Development of Interoperability and Standard Data for One Health Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (FIND). 2024
- Ketua tim konsultan. Pengembangan Rekomendasi Kebijakan Perencanaan Kebutuhan Alat Kesehatan. (BKPK-Kemenkes).2024
- Peneliti anggota. Self-Care Management Apps untuk Peserta Prediabetes dan DM Tipe II di FKTP (BPJS Kesehatan). 2024
- Peneliti anggota. Riset implementasi SatuSehat di Daerah (BKPK-Kemenkes). 2024
- Consultant. Development of ASPAK dashboard for secondary care on MCH program, ASPAK case study and ASPAK data quality assessment (PATH). 2022
- Consultant. Piloting of Security Outcome Framework in Health Sector (Cyber Capacity Unit UK). 2021-2022
- Consultant. Development of SIZE roadmap (IDDS). 2021
- Local facilitator. Development of cybersecurity recommendations for telemedicine. (Oxford Policy Management). 2022-2021
- Consultant. Development of ASPAK dashboard for primary care (WHO Indonesia). 2020
- Co-PI. Regulatory Sandbox for e-Malaria (Rispro LPDP). 2022-2022
- Consultant. Designing HMIS component for Public Private Partnership project of Dr Pirngadi Hospital in Medan Municipality. 2018
- Principal Investigator. Readiness Assessment of Telemedicine Adoption in Papua. Research grant from the Faculty of Medicine UGM. 2018
- Principal Investigator. Bibliometric for Health Sciences. Research grant from the Faculty of Medicine UGM. 2017-2018
- Co-PI. Development of Apps for MDR TB. Research grant from the Ministry of Higher Education. 2018-present
- Co-PI. Infodemiology. Research grant from the Faculty of Medicine UGM. 2017.
- Subject Matter Expert on E-Health contracted by Deloitte for Admedika. 2015
- Principal Investigator: Strengthening decentralized monitoring and evaluation of Family Planning. (2015-2018)
- Consultant. Research Database Management Development for BPJS. Contracted by BPJS Kesehatan. (2014-2015)
- Consultant. Health Data Dictionary Development for Ministry of Health Indonesia (November 2013-April 2014)
- Subject Matter Expert contracted by Deloitte to develop E-health strategy for PT Telkom Indonesia. 2010-2011
- Local consultant to write the Health System Strengthening Proposal to the Global Fund ATM Round 10 for the Ministry of Health. 2010, contracted by GTZ
- Principal Investigator of the Development of Information Systems to Support Malaria Elimination in Sabang district. Contracted by UNICEF. 2009
- Co Principal Investigator on Health facilities mapping in Aceh after tsunami. Contracted by WHO Indonesia. (February – May 2005).
- AFAP Putri, FA Marsetyo, USK Atmaja, A Fuad. Mental Health Teleconsultation Patterns on the Most Popular mHealth Platforms in IndonesiaStudies in Health Technology and Informatics 295, 246-248, 2022
- SP Andriani, P Adhyanacarira, A Fuad, AAP PertiwiComparison of Non-AI and AI-Enabled M-Health Platforms for COVID-19 Self Screening in Indonesia. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 295, 226-229. 2022
- AR Rahmanti, CH Chien, AA Nursetyo, A Husnayain, BS Wiratama, …Social media sentiment analysis to monitor the performance of vaccination coverage during the early phase of the national COVID-19 vaccine rollout. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 221, 106838. 2022
- RO Nanda, AA Nursetyo, AL Ramadona, MA Imron, A Fuad, A Setyawan, …Community Mobility and COVID-19 Dynamics in Jakarta, Indonesia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (11), 6671 2. 2022
- A Husnayain, E Shim, A Fuad, ECY Su. Predicting New Daily COVID-19 Cases and Deaths Using Search Engine Query Data in South Korea From 2020 to 2021: Infodemiology Study. Journal of medical Internet research 23 (12), e34178 2 2021
- NL Syakbanah, A Fuad. Human Leptospirosis Outbreak: A Year After the ‘Cempaka’Tropical Cyclone
JURNAL KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN 13 (4), 211-218 2021 - H Puspitaningtyas, A Espressivo, SH Hutajulu, A Fuad, MJ Allsop. Mapping and visualization of cancer research in Indonesia: a scientometric analysis. Cancer Control 28, 10732748211053464 2 2021
- A Fuad, GB Herwanto, AAP Pertiwi, SD Wahyuningtias, H Harsini, … Design and prototype of TOMO: an app for improving drug resistant TB treatment adherence F1000Research 10 (983), 983 2021
- A Husnayain, TW Chuang, A Fuad, ECY Su. High variability in model performance of Google relative search volumes in spatially clustered COVID-19 areas of the USA. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 109, 269-278 3 2021
- A Fuad. Big data to support Indonesian health system recovery from the pandemic: potential and challenges. BIO Web of Conferences 41, 02006 2021
- R Dilnutt, S Kurnia, S Khoir, A Fuad, GY Sanjay, HR Adnan, AN Hidayanto. How Enterprise Architecture Enhances the National Health Information System in Supporting the COVID-19 Response in Indonesia. 2021
- SSM Putri, A Fuad, AW Maula. A bibliometric analysis of Pubmed literature on coronavirus: All time period The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, and … 2020
- A Husnayain, E Shim, A Fuad, ECY Su. Understanding the community risk perceptions of the COVID-19 outbreak in South Korea: infodemiology study. Journal of medical Internet research 22 (9), e19788 28 2020
- A Husnayain, E Shim, A Fuad, EC Su. Infodemiological study to understand the community risk perceptions of COVID-19 outbreak in South Korea.Journal of Medical Internet Research 2 2020
- TN Kridaningsih, DJ Sukmana, H Mufidah, A Diptyanusa, RA Kusumasari, … Epidemiology and risk factors of Strongyloides stercoralis infection in Papua, Indonesia: a molecular diagnostic study
Acta tropica 209, 105575 1 2020 - A Espressivo, H Puspitaningtyas, SH Hutajulu, A Fuad, MJ Allsop. Protocol for a mixed-methods exploratory investigation into the role of health information technology for the provision of cancer care in Indonesia
F1000Research 9 (904), 904 1 2020 - A Fuad, YCG Lee, CY Hsu. Bibliometric analysis of bioscience trends journal (2007-2017): Knowledge dynamics and visualization. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-18 5 2020
- A Husnayain, A Fuad, IS Laksono, ECY Su. Improving Dengue Surveillance System with Administrative Claim Data in Indonesia: Opportunities and Challenges. MIE, 853-857
- Husnayain, Atina; Fuad, Anis; Su, Emily Chia-Yu; Applications of google search trends for risk communication in infectious disease management: A case study of COVID-19 outbreak in Taiwan International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2020. DOI:
- Nugraheni, Riski; Sanjaya, Guardian Yoki; Putri, Siti Setyawati Mulyono; Fuad, Anis; Lazuardi, Lutfan; Pertiwi, Ariani Arista Putri; Sumarsono, Surahyo; Sitaresmi, Mei Neni; Low Utilization of Telemedicine in the First-Year Trial: A Case in the Province of West Papua, Indonesia 4th International Symposium on Health Research (ISHR 2019) 568-571 2020. DOI - Husnayain, Atina; Shim, Eunha; Fuad, Anis; Su, Emily Chia-Yu; Assessing the community risk perception toward COVID-19 outbreak in South Korea: evidence from Google and NAVER relative search volume medRxiv 2020 doi:
- Sriwahyuni, Efi; Fuad, Anis; Ahmad, Riris Andono Rustamaji; Herini, Elisabeth Siti; Spatiotemporal proximity of rubella cases to the occurrence of congenital rubella syndrome in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Med J Malaysia 75 41 2020.
- Kridaningsih, Tri N; Sukmana, Dhika J; Mufidah, Hartalina; Diptyanusa, Ajib; Kusumasari, Rizqiani A; Burdam, Faustina H; Kenangalem, Enny; Poespoprodjo, Jeanne R; Fuad, Anis; Mahendradhata, Yodi; Epidemiology and risk factors of Strongyloides stercoralis infection in Papua, Indonesia: a molecular diagnostic study Acta Tropica 105575 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2020.105575
- Husnayain, Atina; Lestari, Setyarini Hestu; Tarmizi, Siti Nadia; Fuad, Anis; Performance of Google Trends for early detection of dengue infection epidemics in Jakarta and Yogyakarta. MedRxiv 2020. doi:
- Ali, Khaidar; Ma’rufi, Isa; Fuad, Anis; Variability of Local Weather as Early Warning for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in Indonesia Proceedings of the 2020 10th International Conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics 129-134 2020
- Fuad, anis; Menangkal epidemi Covid-19: daya, data dan doa 2020
- Husnayain, Atina; Fuad, Anis; Laksono, Ida Safitri; Su, Emily Chia-Yu; Improving Dengue Surveillance System with Administrative Claim Data in Indonesia: Opportunities and Challenges Studies in health technology and informatics 270 853-857 2020
- Rachmani, Enny; Hsu, Chien-Yeh; Chang, Peter WuShou; Fuad, Anis; Nurjanah, Nurjanah; Shidik, Guruh Fajar; Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini; Lin, Ming-Chin; Development and validation of an instrument for measuring competencies on public health informatics of primary health care worker (PHIC4PHC) in Indonesia Primary Health Care Research & Development 21 2020
- Rejeki, Dwi Sarwani Sri; Fuad, Anis; Widartono, Barandi Sapta; Murhandarwati, E Elsa Herdiana; Kusnanto, Hari; Spatiotemporal patterns of malaria at cross-boundaries area in Menoreh Hills, Java, Indonesia Malaria journal 18 1 80 2019
- Fuad, Anis; Pendekatan Baru Regulasi E-Kesehatan 2019
- Fuad, Anis; Data terbuka BPJS Kesehatan: Modal awal untuk ungkap misteri sains kesehatan Indonesia 2019
- Rachmani, Enny; Hsu, Chien-Yeh; Chang, Peter WS; Jumanto, Jumanto; Fuad, Anis; Ningrum, Dina NA; Yeh, Chih-Yang; Lin, Ming-Chin; Encouraging On-time completion of leprosy patients treatment: implementing e-leprosy framework to primary health care in Indonesia Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 31 4 296-305 2019
- Fuad, Anis; Indonesian Social Health Insurance Sample Data are Now Available and Accessible for Research PharmacoEconomics-open 3 4 643-645 2019 DOI
- Rachmani, Enny; Hsu, Chien-Yeh; Nurjanah, Nurjanah; Chang, Peter Wushou; Shidik, Guruh Fajar; Noersasongko, Edi; Jumanto, Jumanto; Fuad, Anis; Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini; Kurniadi, Arif; Developing an Indonesia’s health literacy short-form survey questionnaire (HLS-EU-SQ10-IDN) using the feature selection and genetic algorithm Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 182 105047 2019
- Laumalay, Hanani Melangwala; Satoto, Tri Baskoro Tunggul; Fuad, Anis; Analisis Spasial Karakteristik Habitat Perkembangbiakan Anopheles Spp di Desa Lifuleo Kecamatan Kupang Barat Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan 47 3 207-216 2019
- Fuad, A. Opsi “Telemedicine”. Koran Jakarta, 29 Januari 2019.
- Husnayain A, Fuad A. Menggunakan Google Trends untuk dukung sistem monitoring demam berdarah, bagaimana caranya? , The Conversation, Januari, 24, 2019
- Fuad, A. Peluang SINTA menjadi jembatan riset dan kebijakan – dan mencegah kematian sia-sia. The Conversation, Januari 16, 2019
- Fuad A. Ensure the right to health data protection for citizens. Jakarta Post, January 16, 2019
- Husnayain A, Fuad A, Lazuardi L. Correlation between Google Trends on dengue fever and national surveillance report in Indonesia, Global Health Action, 2019:12:1
- Fuad A. Efekfifkah app kesehatan untuk kendalikan penyakit tak menular? The Conversation, Januari 2, 2016
- Fuad A. Menuntaskan UHC di kabupaten/kota. Kedaulatan Rakyat, 14 Desember, 2018
- Fuad A. Reorientasi layanan kesehatan berbasis data, 10 Desember 2018
- Fuad A. Medical Education 4.0. Jakarta Post, December 4, 2018
- Fuad A. DBD dan BPJS Kesehatan. Kedaulatan Rakyat, 15 November, 2018
- Indriani C, Choiruni A, Husnayain A, Ramadhani ID, Ulumiyah SA, Maula AW, Fuad A, Ahmad RA. Internet search activity for leptospirosis in Yogyakarta province:a comparison with official leptospirosis report. Proceeding of The 1st International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, and Biomedical Engineering. Yogyakarta. 2018
- Fuad A, Putri SSM, Sitaresmi MN, and Puspandari DA. Financial sources options for telemedicine program within Universal Health Coverage (UHC) era in Indonesia. Proceeding of The 1st International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, and Biomedical Engineering. Yogyakarta. 2018
- Maula AW, Fuad A, Utarini A. Ten-years trend of dengue research in Indonesia and South-east Asian countries: a bibliometric analysis. Glob Health Action. 2018;11(1):1504398. doi: 10.1080/16549716.2018.1504398.
- Fuad A and Hsu CY. UTAUT for HSS: initial framework to study health IT adoption in the developing countries [version 1; referees: 2 approved].F1000Research 2018, 7:101 (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.13798.1)
- Nguyen SP, Marcelo A, Budianto D, Fuad A, Lazuardi L, Saha AK, Khan MAH, Sambath MR, JaiganeshA, Mursalin S. The State of National Health Information Exchanges in Asia. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association Volume 4, Issue 1, January-June 2018, p 32-25. available at
- Cahyadin, Maula AW, Fuad A. Healthcare-associated infection in Asian countries: bibliometric analysis. Proceeding of Int’l Conference on Epidemiology and Evidence Based Medicine. Yogyakarta, 2017. awarded as best poster.
- Rau HH, Wu YS, Chu CM, Wang FC, Hsu MH, Chang CW, Chen KH, Lee YL, Kao S, Chiu YL, Wen HC, Fuad A, Hsu CY, Chiu HW.Importance-Performance Analysis of Personal Health Records in Taiwan: A Web-Based Survey. J Med Internet Res. 2017 Apr 27;19(4):e131. doi: 10.2196/jmir.7065.
- Rau HH, Hsu CY, Lin YA, Atique S, Fuad A, Wei LM, Hsu MH.Development of a web-based liver cancer prediction model for type II diabetes patients by using an artificial neural network. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2016 Mar;125:58-65. doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2015.11.009.
- Murhandarwati EE, Fuad A, Sulistyawati, Wijayanti MA, Bia MB, Widartono BS, Kuswantoro, Lobo NF, Supargiyono, Hawley WA.Change of strategy is required for malaria elimination: a case study in Purworejo District, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Malar J. 2015 Aug 16;14:318.
- Murhandarwati EE, Fuad A, Nugraheni MD, Suyanto S, Wijayanti MA, Widartono BS, Chuang TW.Early malaria resurgence in pre-elimination areas in Kokap Subdistrict, Kulon Progo, Indonesia. Malar J. 2014 Mar 31;13(1):130
- Fuad A, Sanjaya GY, Lazuardi L, Rahmanti AR, Hsu CY.Alumni’s Perception of Public Health Informatics Competencies: Lessons from the Graduate Program of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2013;192:1076.
- Herdiana, Fuad A, Asih PB, Zubaedah S, Arisanti RR,Syafruddin D, Kusnanto H, Sumiwi ME, Yuniarti T, Imran A, Rahmadyani,Yani M, Kusriastuti R, Tarmizi SN, Laihad FJ, Hawley WA. Progress towards malaria elimination in Sabang municipality, Aceh, Indonesia. Malaria Journal 2013; 12(1):42.
- Aroni H, Kusnanto H, Fuad A. Pengembangan sistem informasi berbasis komputer untuk efisiensi penyelenggaraan makanan di Instalasi Gizi RS Militer Malang. Jurnal Gizi dan Dietetik Indonesia, 2013 ;1(1):22-30
- Oktri Mohammad Firdaus, Kadarsah Suryadi, Rajesri Govindaraju, T.M.A. Ari Samadhi, Anis Fuad. Motivasi Dokter dalam Kegiatan Berbagi Pengetahuan pada Rumah Sakit Pendidikan di Indonesia. Makara Seri Kesehatan, 2013, 17(2): 70-78
- Hsu CY, Fuad, A, Lazuardi L, Sanjaya GY. GIS for dengue: strengthening collaboration. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2012; 87(6):1152. (letter)
- Fuad A, Hsu CY, Chrysantina A. E-learning = inequity in learning? Medical Teacher 2012;4(9):e649-53
- Susanti N, Hadi H, Fuad A. Pengaruh pendidikan gizi dan pesan gizi melalui Short Message Service (SMS) terhadap peningkatan kadar hemoglobin ibu hamil di kabupaten Bantul. Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat Vol 28, No 1 (2012)
- Kusfriyadi MK, Hadi H, Fuad A. Pendidikan gizi dan pesan gizi melalui short message service terhadap pengetahuan, perilaku, dan kepatuhan ibu hamil minum tablet besi. Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia 2012;9(2):87-96
- Fuad A, Hsu CY. High rate EHR adoption in Korea and health IT rise in Asia. Int J Med Inform 2012; 81(9):649-50 (letter)
- Fuad, A. Kumar, A. Wang, YC. Hsu, CY. Use of a clinical decision support system to increase osteoporosis screening: how similar is the historical control? J Eval Clin Pract 2012 Aug;18(4):925(letter)
- Fuad, A, Hsu, CY, Same dataset, same conclusion, different in detail: Who’s doing what from large public database. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2012 Jun;7(6):1064 (letter)
- Sri Kusumadewi, Anis Fuad, Endang Budhiarti (Eds). Peranan Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi di Bidang Obat dan Pengobatan Dalam Mendukung Perlindungan Pasien. Graha Ilmu 2011.
- Citra Indriani, Anis Fuad, Hari Kusnanto. Pola spasial-temporal epidemi demam Chikungunya dan Demam Berdarah Dengue di kota Yogyakarta tahun 2008. Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat, Maret 2011.
- M. Kimura, P. Croll, B. Li, P. C. Wong, S. Gogia, A. Faud, Y.-S. Kwak, S. Chu, A. Marcelo, Y.-H. Chow, W. Paoin, Y.-C. (J.) Li. Survey on Medical Records and EHR in Asia-Pacific Region Languages, Purposes, IDs and Regulations. Methods of Information in Medicine 2011;50(4):386-91
- Sudarianto, Haryanto, Anis Fuad. Evaluasi penerapan sistem informasi transaksi puskesmas di kabupaten Bantaeng Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan. 2010;13:01Maret:39-46
- Ketut Hari Mulyawan, Anis Fuad, Adi Utarini. Pengembangan Prototipe Sistem Informasi Manajemen Regulasi Praktik Kedokteran Berbasis Web dengan Pendekatan Sistem Informasi Geografis. Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan. 2010;13:03 September:146-153
- Shafwan, Hari Kusnanto, Anis Fuad. Pengelolaan data dan informasi status gizi balita dan pengambilan keputusan program gizi di puskesmas se-kabupaten Majene. Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia 2008, V(2)
- Asmaliza, Anis Fuad, Adi Utarini. Efisiensi pemanfaatan rumah sakit umum daerah di provinsi Sumatera Barat dengan Data Envelopment Analysis. Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan.2007;10:2
- Hery Valona B Ambarita, Sri Werdati, Anis Fuad. Evaluasi prototipe simulasi sistem informasi pembelajaran asuhan keperawatan pasien stroke. Jurnal pendidikan kedokteran dan profesi kesehatan Indonesia. Vol:2 No:3. Sept-2007
- Yati Soenarto, Laksono Trisnantoro, Anis Fuad. Persebaran spesialis anak di Indonesia. Sari Pediatri 2006;2:8:94-99
- Fuad, A. Kusnanto, H, Utarini, A. Van Dijk, JP. Groothoff, J. The use of geographic information systems (GIS) for rapid assessment of health facilities following tsunami disaster in Aceh, Indonesia. Proceeding of Asia Pacific Association of Medical Informatics (APAMI) Conference, Taipei. 2006. Awarded as best paper.
Editorial and Reviewer Experiences:
- Member of Student Editorial Board of the Methods Information in Medicine Journal (2012-2013)
- Member of reviewer at Indonesia Health Informatics Forum 2010,2011 and 2013